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TARG:ET Seminar Series

TARG:ET hold a regular online seminar series where we engage academic and non-academic experts from across the UK and beyond to discuss research and innovation occurring in relation to energy technologies and policies. You can learn more about the upcoming seminars and sign up for free tickets HERE.


Please see below for a list of our former seminar speakers.

List of webinar speakers...


5th January - Prof. Ian Walker (Swansea University/Prifysgol Abertawe)

Does it matter what we think? Exploring structural influences on pro-environmental behaviours




28th February - Milan Tamis (Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences)

The psychology of charging an electric vehicle: social behaviour at the charging point.


5th March - Prof. Savvas Papagiannidis (University of Newcastle)

Can smart homes be green homes?  Reflections on technology adoption research.


12th March - Prof. Prashant Kumar (University of Surrey)

Nature, communities and health - showcasing the research of the Global Centre for Clean Air Research (GCARE).


19th March - Cara Holmes (Citizens Advice)

Understanding the impacts of Government policy for home heating in the UK.


26th March - Prof. Aimee Ambrose (Sheffield Hallam University)

Understanding the lived realities of heating transition: insights from the JUSTHEAT project.


14th May - Dr George Warren (University of Surrey / ACCESS KE Fellow)

Decarbonising domestic energy use: is it all about the money?


21st May - Dr Charles Ogunbode (University of Nottingham)

Health and wellbeing in Nottingham during the 2022 heatwave


4th June - Prof. Lorraine Whitmarsh (University of Bath)

Behaviour change for net zero


11th June - Emily Wordley (PhD Candidate, University of Huddersfield)

Trusted gatekeepers and facilitators: engaging island communities in marine renewable energy decision making


18th June - Prof. Patrick Devine-Wright (University of Exeter)

Putting energy infrastructure into place: lessons from a systematic review


25th June - Dr Sadhana Jagannath (University of Surrey/Imperial College)

Resident-centred housing design approaches for sustainable futures


9th July - Dr Gareth Thomas (Cardiff University)

Heat decarbonisation, hydrogen and place: towards an anthropological research agenda for the social implications of hydrogen clustering


16th July - Dr Mitchell Scovell (CSIRO, Australia)

Understanding public attitudes towards hydrogen in Australia


23rd July - Dr Adam Peacock (University of Exeter)

How different stakeholders accept, or protest, low carbon energy transitions through a strategic performance of spatial and public imaginaries: a multi-level Swedish case study


8th October - Dr Chris Jones (University of Portsmouth)

Public attitudes towards gasification technologies in the UK, Germany and China and their susceptibility to the Nasty Effect


5th November - Dr Nicole Huijts (University of Twente, Netherlands)

Nine important questions on the human dimensions of the privacy and security risks of smart home technology


5th December - Dr Herman Elgueta​ (Universidad de Magallanes, Chile)

Far South, Close Ties: Regional Identity's Role in Environmental and Energy Attitudes in Southern Patagonia


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