Active Projects.
Members of TARG:ET are currently working on a number of research projects relating to different technologies, including EV charging, residential heating, hydrogen, and geological nuclear waste. Outlined below are some key, interdisciplinary projects.

Future Electric Vehicle Energy networks supporting Renewables (FEVER) is aiming to develop and demonstrate a fully grid independent, cost-effective, and socially acceptable, renewables powered electric vehicle charger (EPSRC Grant: EP/W005883/1)
GasNetNew is investigating innovative and socially acceptable ways of utilising the legacy gas network in the UK to provide, low-carbon residential heating and cooling solutions (EPSRC Grant: EP/W008726/1)

UK-HyRES is the UK hub for research challenges in Hydrogen and Alternative Liquid Fuels. UK-HyRES aims to define and tackle the research challenges blocking the wider use of low carbon fuels in the UK. TARG:ET lead the 'social' cross-cutting theme within the hub (EPSRC Grant: EP/X038963/1)
Dr Chris Jones is a member of the Advancing Capacity for Climate and Environment Social Science (ACCESS) network. The ACCESS network is a funded programme of work providing leadership on the social science contribution to tackling and solving a range of climate and environmental problems (ESRC Grant: ES/W00805X/1)